Equipping You for Recovery After Hurricane Milton
Don’t Hesitate—Call Us for Essential Outdoor Gear and Support."
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Boat Care
Fish Monkey

The original store was located in a one story cinder block building located at 321 South 13th Street. Painted on the facade was Mahoney Service Supply Co. Around 1949, the store was renamed to T.A. Mahoney - Building, Hardware, Paints. Marine supplies were brought into the store somewhere during the 50's and were added to the sign along with the words plumbing and electrical.

Currently, the 3rd generation of Mahoney’s are running this Tampa landmark. The vast knowledge that the generations have has passed down not only through the family lines, but also with all those that have worked with them. We take pride in our showroom and the fact that we actually know the products that we carry.
Ive been shopping here for years. Great people, a wealth of knowledge, always courteous, & a great selection. Wheather you need rods, reels, tackle, trailer supplies, mechanical work, boat parking/storage, tips or tricks, they can help! There's also a large selection of brochures from charter captains in case you can't wait to fish while your boat is down.
Dennis Loughren
Awesome customer service. Megan help me over the phone and was very pleasant. A gentlemen(wish I remembered his name) walked me around the store to gather all the parts I needed for my trailer rebuild and was also very knowledgeable/friendly. Well worth the drive my 45min drive.
Christopher Sutherland
This place is Great! Captain Tom helped me today bur every time i come in, everyone makes sure i have what i need for my project boat. Above and beyond service with fair good quality products. Been coming here for over a year now and they will continue to have my business.
Justin Lee
Store Location
4990 E Adamo Dr, Tampa, FL 33605
(813) 241-6500
Monday - Friday 9AM to 5PM
Saturday - 8AM - 1PM
Sunday - Closed